1 pint 95% Ethanol (190 Proof)
You will need 1 ounce of cannabis for every pint of ethanol. Some good spirits to use would be Everclear, 151 Rum, or White Lightning due to the high proof. You want an alcohol with 95% ethanol, or a 190-proof alcohol to obtain the best results. The night before you make this, leave your bud in the freezer, completely drying it out. It’s also a good idea to put the ethanol in the freezer as well. Once your bud has been in the freezer, grind it up to almost a powder and mix together with ethanol in a glass quart-mixing jar. Close the jar and shake for 5 minutes, then return to freezer. Continue to agitate the mixture every few hours with refreezing. Continue this process anywhere from 3 days to 9 weeks, however patient you are really. Remember, the longer the better. When you are done with that process, pour the liquid through cheesecloth. You can save the “ball” of cheesecloth for topical use, or run it through a coffee filter. Make sure to squeeze any remaining liquid out. You might want to wear gloves during this process, as the solution might be pretty strong. The color of your final product is dependent on what percent ethanol you used. If you used a 95% ethanol solution, your tincture should be pale green to golden. If you used 151 rum, it should be an amber color. If your tincture is a dark green that means excess plant material is present. This does not affect the potency though; it just means it won’t taste very good. It’s a good idea to add some flavor extracts, like vanilla or raspberry, to change the taste of your tincture.
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